Hey everyone!
It is fast approaching Monday evening. This morning started out well, we left for La Ceiba at 5:00 am like planned, things went
smoothly until we were about 50 minutes into our drive, still in Choloma and heading for San Pedro Sula. (they are touching each
other) ... that's when time stopped... or at least traffic did... we sat and sat and sat, inching along, the two-lane road turned into 7
with everyone trying to fit on the shoulder, motorcycles between each lane, crazy stuff! It usually takes us 1.5 hours, maybe a little
more to get to the airport exit on the east side of San Pedro Sula, this morning... 3.25 hrs! Oh my! My eyes are tired, lol.
Sindy is staying home with Antony; he has dengue fever. There is a lot of that going around. We need more bats and geckos!
We have picked up where we left off. The crew is laying block, sheet rocking in the kitchen, cleaning, etc. It's raining today or we
might have been able to paint some too. There is tomorrow.
And it is tomorrow, except it's today... the crew is still working hard, Tammy is still cooking for 7 of us, church tonight at El Faro,
I've been shopping twice already and it's not quite noon yet! The work must go on!
Wednesday afternoon, the crew is laying block and painting! A fresh coat of paint does wonders! Ordering more sand for the block
laying, next week we're going to need more block! A good thing! I'm working on the quote for the ceilings in El Carmen, the owner likes
our work, now we need to agree on a price and the schedule. Still a lot to do on this quote. I rough quoted the church in La Esperanza,
it's a small church, waiting to see what happens.
Thursday morning, Beto needed to go home to be with his family. Antony is still very sick and sounds like he's a little worse today.
Prayers for the family! I'm getting materials ordered for delivery here, the last of the block, rebar, gravel, plywood for forming, electric tubing we put in the block to run wires. I have 3 suppliers working on the quote for the possible ceiling project in El Carmen.
Tammy and Ashley are busy painting! Dany and Jrson are laying block! Everyone is busy!
Friday night, almost sunset. I was feeling weird, so I hopped in the sea, up to my neck, for an hour and had a nice long talk with God...
well, I guess I talked at Him, I haven't heard His answer yet, other than I do feel better! Maybe that's where patience and
perseverance come in ! Did I forget to mention we're back in Omoa?? Sorry, we did come back today, for the weekend.
This Sunday is Independence Day in Honduras. We ran into several road slowdowns on the way back today, the schools were having
parades in the streets, celebrating! A lot of very pretty costumes! Honduras's independence from Spain came in 1821 and from Mexico
in 1823!
Saturday is a pretty day! There are a lot of them here! Ashley bought a laptop yesterday and the charge cord doesn't work, we're
going to take it back this afternoon just before she has to be at school from 2-5. We'll have to figure out what we're going to do for
3 hours while we wait! While I'm typing this, the 3 of us are setting around, eating apple wedges, working on our own little projects :).
A peaceful morning. Well, this afternoon worked out. We were slowed down a lot on the way to San Pedro Sula, there was a
bicycle race or something going on, they had the roads blocked, and traffic slowed down for safety. We didn't have time to go to the
computer store before Ashley had to be at college, we dropped her off and went across the street to McDonalds for lunch. As Tammy
and I sat and talked while we ate slowly... lol ... some gringos came in. We talked for a little while. They were there on year 2 of a 3
year commitment for the church of latter-day saints. We then went to La Mundial, a country-wide hardware store to pick up a couple
things and to kill some time. Then we went to Walmart for the same reason. I had some phone calls to make so I stayed in the
pickup at Walmart. Then Ashley messaged, saying today turned out to be just orientation and she was done, yea! We picked her up,
got her some food at McDonalds and made it to the computer store just before it closed! Now back in Omoa, just in time to see another
beautiful sunset!
Sunday morning, a nice peaceful day, filled with the knowledge that the closer we get to God, the more there is to know and do!
Tammy just made breakfast, black beans, eggs, avocado, tomatoes and onions. Pretty good as always! She's such a good cook!
Tammy and Ashley walked over and got Jason, Julissa and Dany's 6-year-old son, they have painted with watercolors and now are
swimming! He loves coming over!
Love God, love others.... it can be as simple as that!
Praying for you all to have a blessed week! John and Tammy