Good morning!
It is Thursday already! I've been so very busy! It helps to keep us young right?? This week the first 3 days were busy with jury duty.
When it's a felony you're sitting on, the case occupies your mind constantly. It is very interesting but also there's a great responsibility
to make sure you get the verdict correct! Last week was felonious assault, this week rape and kidnapping!
Now on to the business at hand with our mission! Last night (Wednesday) Tammy and I were blessed to be able to share our mission and what was happening in Honduras with some wonderful, Christ filled brothers and sisters at Community United Calvary Church here in Richwood! I've known pastor David since he was 19 back in the 80's, . He and his wife Angel have been good friends, and they have done a wonderful job in sharing the gospel with others! As I was sharing our mission and answering questions... Tammy setting in the front row whispered to me that maybe some of the people might want to go home... what? I've only been talking for 20 minutes or so... turned out that I'd been talking for an hour! Oh my, and I don't like to talk in front of people... glory to God! Prayer works, because we'd prayed for the Holy Spirit to take over and speak through me! They were very interested, eager to help, and one young lady shared she wants to be a missionary! Maybe we can help! Thank you, Lord!
The crew has been busy. Still laying block in La Ceiba and plastering in Omoa. And, we may have a renter for our bus next week! Time
will tell.
I had an interesting phone conversation with an assistant pastor yesterday (Friday). Our son Chad had mentioned to me that I should
call Caleb, an assistant pastor at a church in the Columbus area, Chad knew him from little league baseball. I called and left a message
on Thursday, then called back on Friday. We had an interesting "God moment" conversation. It turns out that the lead pastor had just
returned from a mission trip to Rwanda and was questioning the value of his trip, that he didn't feel like things were accomplished like
he had expected. When I had called on Thursday and left a message, the two pastors were serving at vacation bible school together,
my call came in, Caleb showed his phone to the lead pastor and said, "here's a missionary calling"... what? What kind of timing
is that? Only God's timing!! They talked and the lead pastor said to find out about us. So, when I called on Friday, we had a very nice,
long, and interesting conversation! Thank you, Lord!! I'm not sure how it is going to end but God has gone before us once again! We're
planning on meeting Monday or Tuesday in a couple weeks just before we return to Honduras on the 14th. God is so very good!
Next week we're going to Iowa to visit family and friends. A trip I look forward to since we only get to see them 3 or 4 times a year. It's
a fairly long drive (11 hours one way) and worth every minute of it! My little brother is hosting a family reunion at his place just north of
Des Moines. This may give us a chance to visit with some of my siblings that I don't see very often. Unfortunately, granddaughter Em
won't have any games, at least we'll be able to hang out!
I've attached a picture of a double rainbow; it is so amazing that we get to see this reminder of God's promises. Yes, there are more than
one promise from God in the Bible. The rainbow is so very visible, and a constant reminder of His grace and mercy! And a reminder that
the other promises will one day come true as well!
Praying for you all! Have a blessed week! John and Tammy