Happy New Year!
Well, in 3 days, we will be done with 2024 and 2025 is starting! What are you planning on changing in your life that will bring
you closer to Jesus!! That should be the question we ask ourselves every single day!
2024 has been a year filled with adventures and changes for us. Our relationship building took off, meeting new people, seeing a lot
of new places. What a blessing! Our contact list is continuing to grow. The people we've been able to help has been growing; from
our crew size, to helping people after the disastrous flooding with some much-needed food! Thank you to those who donated for that cause! Our first chiropractic team, with 7 interns and Dr. Dave driving around the northern part of Honduras, seeing almost 400 people in one week! Our first team trip to Roatan, snorkeling on the second largest reef in the world! Site seeing on Utila with part of the
crew, on golf carts, exploring the island! A trip to the Copan Ruins with some friends. We had work projects in Omoa, San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba, and we had some time to enjoy this wonderful world God has made for us to live on! Looking forward to the mission trips
that we are planning in 2025! If you are interested, and one of the dates we have currently scheduled doesn't fit into your available time, let us know, if we are there, we'd love for you to come on your own mission trip and experience the Honduras we have fallen in love with!! We are currently looking at teams on: Mar 25 - Apr 1; June 14 - 21; July 5 - 12. Another chiropractic team on Aug. 16 - 22. Plenty of
time for you to schedule a trip!!
We have learned more about the Honduran culture, what to expect and how to live through the differences. What we can do and what
we shouldn't do and the places where we can and can't do things. And when we do go and do things that are outside of our comfort
zone, it is so important to be with someone who knows the area! And always, "if God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
We have been shown God's love by fellow believers and shown the way to our destination by MS13 gang members! Probably a good
thing we didn't know who they were until after that encounter!
We were able to obtain a bus that is perfect for teams! And now, we are able to rent it out occasionally to other missionaries which allows us some extra income for the bus upkeep! Thank you, Lord, for that blessing! We used the bus for the first time this past
August with the chiropractic team, what a blessing that was!! We had room for the entire team, the supporting crew and all of the
folding tables, etc.!
Another first for us was the ICOM (International Conference on Missions) we exhibited at in Lexington, Kentucky! Three long days
trying to talk to as many of the 7,000 attendees as possible! Getting our name out there, building relationships for the future! Praying
for our attendance at the 2025 ICOM in Atlanta, Georgia next November.
As we continue planning for what our goals are in 2025, we pray that you all will be actively involved somewhere, serving in God's
kingdom! If you need a place to serve, either on the ground or from your home and you don't know where or how, contact us and
we will be blessed to help you plug yourself in to an area that you are comfortable with! One of our main goals is to become fully
funded, your monthly donations are so very important, pray about that, read the Bible about how we can build up our account in
heaven, not our account here on earth. Here are some verses to read and the example they show us: "to build up our account in
heaven;" Philippians 4:17; "to give sacrificially;" like the poor widow did in Luke 21:1-4; "to give consistently;" like the Corinthians were told to do in 1 Corinthians 16:2; "to give joyously;" like the Ephesians were told to do in Ephesians 5: 1-2; "to give discretely;" like the disciples were told to do in Matthew 6; 1-2 I am going to attach our 2025 vision impact sheet and our prayer list for you to look at and pray over. Thank you for your prayers and support in advance!
Tammy and I are thankful for all of you! Blessings!
To God goes the glory!